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Prestaser Engenharia e Montagens offers services in the areas of engineering, construction, assembly and maintenance in the Oil and Gas, Energy, Oil Refineries and Petrochemical and Industrial Plants segments.

We always seek continuous improvement through an experienced team of engineers, technicians and specialized workers, with a broad knowledge of the technical standards, laws and regulations in our area of expertise.

With a broad vision of our segment, we have experience in the development of complex projects, maintaining a focus on the sustainable performance of our business, aiming at protection and care of the environment, employee health and safety of the facilities where we operate.


Founded in 1992 with the objective of meeting the growing demand in the areas of engineering, construction, assembly and maintenance in the Oil and Gas segment.


Av. Almirante Júlio de Sá Bierrenbach, 200 - sala 1014 - bloco 1B
Condomínio Brookfield Place Worldwide Offices
22775-028 Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ
+55 21 4112-3034